16 April 2009

Make use of your benefits

I have been fairly good lately at practicing what I preached a few months back about finding time for meditation. I have joined a weekly meditation group, but seem to experience head aches and pain in my back and shoulders right afterwards. I spoke to the facilitator about why this may be happening, he explained that when you meditate, it brings your awareness into the moment ... aches and pains that are always there on a low level are noticed.

I've had access to a benefits package from my work for nearly a year but the only one I've taken advantage of is a couple of dental visits. There are so many other great benefits included in my package that I have not even thought use ... such as acupuncture, massage therapy, visits to natural paths, etc. Why haven't I been caring for myself in this way all along?! After yet another somewhat grueling meditation session a few weeks ago I booked a visit to see a massage therapist and am already noticing a huge difference. I'm happy to report that today's meditation was pain free. Keeping my body happy seems to have a direct relationship to my inner peace and happiness. I think we can all agree that experiencing pain can be one of the fastest ways to put you in a bad mood, and blow regular life stresses out of proportion. Often pain and stress is experienced at that low, nearly unnoticeable level, but it is always with us unless we tend to it.

If you have a benefits package, I highly recommend that you start treating yourself to one (or all!) of them. It is one of the easiest and affordable ways that we can care for ourselves.

13 April 2009


I have been struggling in the last while with some blues ... with talk of the economy, the recession, ongoing violence, and the endless negativity put out by the media, I have found that somewhere along the way I temporarily lost my normally upbeat, positive self. I have been finding it easier to see the negative over the positive in the world (and in my own world). I came to the point recently where I felt it was time to move away from those feelings and search for the positive and truly care for myself by taking control of them. Times of blues that we all go through is a true test of the power of self care.

I was able to care for myself through journaling last week. My journal is something I seem to turn to only in "bad" times, and somehow forget to tend to it during the good ... but it doesn't seem to care about the kind of news I bring, it is always there when I need to use it. It doesn't judge me for the lack of attention that I give it, or the darkness that I bring to it at times. This is a place where I feel very safe getting some of the blues and negativity out of my system, and the process of writing with good old fashion pen and paper seems to bring such clarity for me. It has reminded me that my positive self is still present, just needing an extra nudge to make more than an occasional appearance ... a realization that has been very comforting for me.

01 April 2009

Wear slippers at home

Practice making your home peaceful by wearing slippers. Try keeping them by the front door so you can slip into them when you enter.

*Self care practice from Mike George